Quality policy

In order to guarantee the quality of the provided service, the greatest customer’s satisfaction and the continuous improvement, LUBROGAMMA 2000 S.r.l. applies a Quality Management system according to the rule ISO 9001:2015 as a organizational model to survey and improve continuosly the company’s performances and consequently the relationship with customers, employees, suppliers and concerned people in general.

All the projects, the drives, the actions developed in the company, aim at this system in order to support the corporate vision through efforts to achieve a common goal. All while maintaining the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes and compliance with the current national and European conditions and laws.

The corporate strategies lead to specific goals, such as:

  • provide resources and guarantee the continuous improvement process;;
  • control and optimize the performances of business processes;
  • reduce non-compliances that cause wastes to improve continuously the service;
  • involve all personnel to achieve company objectives;
  • assume the relationship with the customer and with the concerned people on maximum collaboration, evaluating all requests in order to provide quick answers, suitable solutions, understand any implicit needs that can be satisfied or creating opportunities for new services;
  • to work with the suppliers for a continuous improvement of the provided service quality and start a shared growing path;
  • to identify the needs of personnel to create paths of growth and development of professional skills and an environment able to supply a suitable education, work methods and tools;
  • create the conditions to justify and satisfy the internal staff completely;
  • establish goals and coherent milestones with the available resources and the role played by Lubrogamma 2000 S.r.l.;
  • to take a succesful approach to the risk.

The implemented Quality Management system is based on rules and procedures agreed with the personnel (employees and collaborators), formalized in specific documents and procedures leading each business function in performing job activities in order to guarantee the achievement of the set out goals.
All the above mentioned purposes can be carried out through the involvement of the whole staff.
Therefore, each manager is asked to raise the awareness of his collaborators in order to:

  • power-up the Quality Management system;
  • ensure compliance of both procedures and operating rules;
  • ensure compliance of the assigned roles;
  • achieve the pre-determined Quality goals concerning the own area of responsability;
  • fight inefficiencies and suggest activities for a continuous processes improvement;
  • increase his own knowledges through the growth of both skills and cultural background;
  • lead his own employees through examples and engagement

The application field has been determined taking into account both outside and inside factors, the concerned people, the products and all the services supplied by the organization:
Wholesale of lubricants (IAF 29).
Gussago, 16/03/2020
LUBROGAMMA 2000 SRL Management